Rage is the second book that Bob Woodward has written about Donald Trump. Fear was the title of the first book. Donald Trump was disappointed with the first book, and complained that he was never interviewed for it. At the time, Trump's staff would not give Woodward access to Trump. For the second book, Bob Woodward was able to interview Donald Trump no less than seventeen times, and queried Trump extensively about the problems confronting America and his Presidency.
During a television interview shortly after Fear was published, Woodward was asked to give his bottomline assessment of Trump's leadership. Woodward replied, "Let's hope to God we don't have a crisis." We had a crisis, the coronavirus. In the midst of the coronavirus, we had the crisis over Black Lives Matter versus Trump's Law and Order. And Woodward gave Trump every opportunity to explain his actions and inactions.
Woodward ends the book with the following paragraph:
"When his performance as president is taken in its entirety, I can reach only one conclusion: Trump is the wrong man for the job."